
Local Fundraising

Phnom penh
Type of event
Classroom course



LFR training programme costs: USD 1,500 per person, the cost included training’s location, transportation, food, professional trainer fees and coaching fees.
With the support from Wilde Ganzen Foundation, the participant cost is only USD 150 per person.

We advise each organisation to delegate two staff to participate in the LFR training programme.

For more information:
Ms. Roeung Raingsey
Tel: (855) 77 739 911
E-mail: raingsey.roeung@ccc-cambodia.org

Local Fundraising (LFR) is a course in which you learn how to mobilise resources within your own community. During the course you will develop a fundraising plan for your own organisation and practice the communication skills you require to implement the plan.
The course will enable learners to raise funds within their own community. They learn to identify relevant donors, select the most suitable fundraising activities, practice communication skills and make a plan (including budget, time investment and agenda). After the course, participants will have a thorough practical plan which they can implement. The course is particularly suitable for Community Based Organisations, Self-Help Groups and small Non-Governmental Organisations.

Licensed local trainers will conduct the training.


14 Aug 2023: Leaders
21-25 Aug 2023: Local fundraising course
31 Aug 2023: Evaluation day
Sep – Nov 2023: Coaching
19 Dec 2023: Graduate course

Costs: for one person: US$ 1,500 this includes training from professional trainers, trainings location, lodging and food, coaching.

We advise organisations to delegate two persons to the training.