
Ejemplo de recaudación de fondos local:
Come wash your car

Características principales

Método de recaudación de fondos
Movilización de recursos con empresas, Venta de productos


Resultado financiero neto (€)


Inversión de tiempo
One month

Training to be a mechanic
More trainees of the Centro Calábria
Training to be a mechanic
OrganizaciónCentro de Educação Profissional Calábria - Instituto Pobres Servos da Divina Providência
TipoVocational Training Centre
IdoneidadOrganización en sus inicios
Fondos necesarios paraPurchase of adequate resources for the courses given, thus improving the quality of the education.
Período de acciónMay 2012
Donaciones en especie recaudadas
Tipos de donacionesCorporate donation, car wash as permanent income generation for the Center
Tipos de donantesA company producing paints for the industry, cars and houses; customers of the car wash


The Centro de Educação Profissional Calábria wanted to inform more people in the community about the services and opportunities they offer and to raise funds to improve the quality of their courses.
They had no previous fundraising experience, but decided to approach local companies with a description of several small projects in need of funding. One company decided to get involved and is still a partner.
The second plan was the establishment of a car wash as a permanent source of income for the school. Customers were found among the local businesses that were approached for fundraising purposes.
Both the partnership with the company and the car wash still exist and keep generating income for the Vocational Training Center.

Consejos y lecciones aprendidas

This was an important experience for the Center, inspiring new initiatives of this type. The institution had no previous experience with the description of small projects to present to potential partners and donors.

Evaluación de Wilde Ganzen Foundation

This is a good example of involving the beneficiaries of your organisation in fundraising activities. The beneficiaries benefit by gathering working experience and at the same time contribute to raising funds for the organisation. Another nice aspect of this activity is that the school has chosen to target a specific group - local companies - and that they have established a partnership with one company ensuring long-term support for the organisation.


To raise funds in order to strenghten professional skills of youth and adoloscents in a vulnerable situation, in order to promote their labour insertion and their citizenship.

Donantes meta
Local businesses and car owners in their neighbourhood.           


Costo/beneficioMoneda nacional (R$)Euro
Cantidad total recaudada3,3661,317
(-) Cantidad total invertida00
Cantidad neta3,3661,317

Detalles contables
Paint company 1.160
Customers of car wash 161

Descripción del trabajo preparatorio
The first step was to write a proposal to present to the companies.

Descripción de la implementación
Then contact was made with various companies.
After long negotiations a partnership was established with one of the companies, a producer of paints for the industry, cars and houses. During the same period a professional to work in the car wash was selected.

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