
Ejemplo de recaudación de fondos local:
Send a child to school

Características principales

Método de recaudación de fondos
Movilización de recursos con empresas, Movilización de recursos con particulares


Resultado financiero neto (€)


Inversión de tiempo
20 days

Children performing a dance
Fund collection after the performance
Articles in leading newspapers
OrganizaciónSarthak Jan Vikas Sansthan
Sitio webhttp://www.sjvs.in/
IdoneidadOrganización en sus inicios
Fondos necesarios paraEducation of tribal children
Período de acciónDecember 2013
Donaciones en especie recaudadasN.a.
Tipos de donacionesIndividual and corporate donations
Tipos de donantesBusinessmen, parents, members of the local community


This was a fundraising event which included music, dance, painting and a rangoli contest (rangoli is a folk art form in which patterns are created on the floor in living rooms or courtyards using materials such as coloured rice, dry flour, coloured sand or flower petals. This event was attended by nearly 250 local community members and around 10 eminent guests. The event culminated in fund collection for the cause of children’s education. A major part of the amount raised was provided by the Timber Association, a union of businessmen dealing in timber. The event was also meant to make those attending more aware of the organisation´s efforts.

Consejos y lecciones aprendidas

1. Promotion of the event in a more planned way is required.
2. Motivating and convincing people of the community to be present at the event is very important.

Evaluación de Wilde Ganzen Foundation

This is a good example of an activity that does not require a lot of work, but does make the community aware of what you are doing and even raises some funds for your work. Promotional activities before the event are crucial and so are your efforts to motivate and convince people to be present at the event.


1. Developing a good relation with influential people of the society and spreading awareness about the requirement of quality education for tribal children.
2. Raising fund for the education of tribal children.

Donantes meta
Local community, businessmen, parents, education department.


Costo/beneficioMoneda nacional (INR)Euro
Cantidad total recaudada100,0001,170
(-) Cantidad total invertida25,000293
Cantidad neta75,000877

Descripción del trabajo preparatorio

  • Planning of overall arrangement by staff.
  • Discussion with local community, government teachers, local businessmen and inviting them to the event.
  • Finalising the venue.
  • Arranging rented chairs for the event.
  • Inviting journalists for press coverage of the event.

Descripción de la implementación

  • Seating arrangements at the venue.
  • Initiation of the event with melody and dance performance by children.
  • Fund collection at the end of the event. Fund was collected at the end of the event through personal appeal and receipt was provided to each contributing individual. Most of the people from the gathering present during the event came forward one by one and endowed monetary support. A personal appeal by one of the businessmen gave the highest amount of monetary support.

Seguimiento: Agradecimiento y reconocimiento de los donantes
After the event the organisation followed up the contact with the local businessmen.

Planes para repetir la acción
It was decided to repeat the same event again in the future.

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