

Local Fundraising Resource Mobilisation

Donors for Small NGOs to create Bigger Impact


“From healthcare projects to educational initiatives, from youth development to relief services, small and grassroots NGOs effortlessly empower marginalized communities. Also, they directly engage and work with the community people to address their core problems.
“As this sector is giving their substantial contribution, they require guiding tools that help them effectively raise their funds. Keeping this in mind, we have developed a list of foundations and other types of donors that regularly offer small grants to NGOs worldwide. Some of these donor agencies have deadlines, so organizations have to look at the dates before applying to them carefully. Some other donors accept proposals round the year. Also, they mostly fund to address specific problems or areas of intervention.
“Therefore, to give you a clear insight on donor funding for small and grassroots NGOs, we are offering a comprehensive guide of international foundations and organizations willingly making financial contributions to your project.”


This document offers a listing of 28 big donor organisations, with a short description of NGO funding opportunities, as well as weblinks for more information.
Small NGOs and CSOs can of course raise funds locally, in their communities and within their country. But it’s good to know that there are also possibilities at the international level. Please be aware that it requires special skills to successfully approach them.

This document is accessible only through the Premium membership of fundsforNGOs https://home.fundsforngospremium.com/ , which costs US$ 100 a year.


Donors, international

Author: N.a.

Publisher/source/organization: fundsforNGOs LLC

Place and year of issue: New York NY 2021

Type: Donors listing

Country/region: Worldwide

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