Exemple de Mobilisation du soutien:
Sustainability of child support centres

Organisation Development Department, Reformed Presbyterian Church
Site web www.rpcnei.org
Pays India
Type Church-based organisation
Thème Education


The Development Department of the Reformed Presbyterian Church North East India participated in a Change the Game Academy Mobilising Support course and embarked on a lobby campaign to ensure the sustainability of a number of child support centres in their target villages. Their most prominent approach is sensitising and empowering the community to carry on the work initiated by the project. The strategy is aimed at involving the beneficiaries themselves, young people from the villages, parents and caregivers, and the local authorities. A very strong point of this example is that the initiators are aware that lobby campaigns seldom result in immediate success. Their campaign is an ongoing process, moving forward slowly and gradually. But if you read on, you will see that the first successes have been achieved.

Analyse du problème

1. There is negligence and lack of supervision of children by the parents/caregivers, especially after school. This lack of supervision is mainly due to the low educational background of the parents/caregivers and the fact that they are engaging in their farmland work from dusk to dawn. This has a negative repercussion on the academic performance of their children; many drop out of school. There is no proper infrastructure or support system in the villages to care for these children.
2. No or poor enrolment of children in the Anganwadi centres (rural child care) and lack of government intervention in the proper functioning of the Anganwadi centers in the villages.

Analyse de la solution

1. Engagement of children in studies after school by way of establishing a tuition centre in all the target villages run and managed by the community even after the project exit.
2. Re-enrolment of children and re-engagement of Anganwadi workers into the Anganwadi centres.
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