
Social Media


Social Media is the collective name for all online media on which you can share information and that ask for interaction through the internet. Many people use social media for private purposes, but it can also be very interesting for NGOs and social businesses, especially because so many people are involved in one or more of the social media platforms.


One of the most attractive parts of social media is that with little to no financial investment, you can reach a large audience. Furthermore, it is very easy for people to share your posts and with that spread your message. Even though there are many reasons to use social media with your NGO, it is something you have to really think through before you start.

La finalité

In 8 steps, we will guide you towards a plan to use social media better, help you with the first steps to get started and give you some advice to keep it going.

Ce que vous obtenez

Know How

  • Social Media assessment – where are you now?
  • Overview of social media platforms to choose from
  • Rules for creating appealing social media content
  • Tips on how to become successful in social media
  • Many example of succesful social media users from different countries
  • The 10 Top Social Media Management Tools for 2020

Creative Commons License
Change the Game Academy cours en ligne Mobilisation des ressources local, Mobilisation du soutien, boîtes à outils, exemples et centre des ressources crée par Wilde Ganzen Foundation est autorisé sous une Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International.