
Local Fundraising

5 days
Colombo, Sri Lanka



Local Fundraising is a course in which you learn how to mobilise resources within your own community through various sources e.g. local businesses, middle class donors, local companies and public authorities and many more. During the course you will develop a fundraising plan for your own organisation and practice the communication skills you require to implement the plan.

The Local Fundraising course is suitable for small and medium-sized social organisations in Sri Lanka.

Licensed local trainers from The Institute for Monitoring and Evaluation (TiME) conduct the course. TiME in Sri Lanka brings together experts from various disciplines to provide services for the state and corporate sector institutions, Civil Society Organizations and communities who are in need of ingenuous analysis, programs and evaluations on social, political, legal and economic disciplines to make a peaceful development in the country.

Price:230.000 LKR for one person, including meals and hotel accommodation.

NB: Wilde Ganzen partners get a discounted price.

Organisations willing to participate can register for the Local Fundraising course by sending an email to sdaskara@gmail.com