
CSO leaders attend Mobilising Support training in Burkina Faso


Officials from various civil society organizations across Burkina Faso converged in Ouagadougou to learn more about Mobilising Support for their programmes. The four-day workshop which brought together seventeen officials was the first such event targeting the organisations in Burkina Faso.

At the tail-end of the workshop, the officials were full of optimism with regards to the possibilities they would achieve armed with skills in Mobilising Support. One of the leaders who attended the workshop said that his new found skills in the course are essential for the credibility of his organisation.

“Credibility and legitimacy makes it possible to mobilise beneficiaries and allies for a common cause. The actions will be more powerful in identifying the problem in order to convince the opponents and the decision makers that a change is necessary,” he said. The course has ensured that he understands the challenges in mobilising support in addition to equipping him with the ability to address the issue.

The Mobilising Support course is aimed at equipping officials of civil society organisations with skills in advocacy and lobbying. The civil society organizations in Burkina Faso join others from select countries across Africa, Asia and South America who have taken the training. The training was informed by the desire for organisations to garner support from various stakeholders toward achieving organisational goals.