Local Fundraising
Mobilising Support
Website entries: About US; Our Work; Impact Stories; Resources; 25th Anniversary; Work with Us.
KCDF is an NGO engaging in:
Community Engagement and Organizing: The KCDF model of delivering its mandate is through working with organized community groups, associations etc., as vehicles to scale up desired changes in targeted communities.
Local Philanthropy: KCDF works to encourage the growth and promotion of organized giving for sustainable development in Kenya. The goal is to move communities and the wider Kenyan public from a mindset of depending on external resources, to effective mobilization of in-country resources towards the implementation of their prioritized projects.
Institution Building: KCDF’s concept of sustainable community-driven development is pegged on the premise that well-capacitated groups are key instruments in scaling up and sustaining continuous transformative change at the grassroot levels.
Partnerships and Networking: KCDF believes that the challenges of poverty cannot be achieved by one actor hence there is value in working in a collaborative manner with other like-minded organizations in addressing issues that communities continue to face.
Policy Influencing: Policy influencing refers to the different actions taken by organized groups on an issue of concern, to influence decision making or to change a policy that brings about lasting change in the lives of disadvantaged people.
Asset Development: This refers to work by non-profits of building long term assets of different kinds, aimed at generating flexible funds to further their collective goals to obviate their work being affected when funders change their priorities.
KCDF is the Change the Game Academy National Partner Organisation for Kenya.
On the KCDF website several interesting documents on Philanthropy can be found:
https://www.kcdf.or.ke/index.php/philanthropy; these can be downloaded for free. They are not only relevant for Kenya, but also for fundraising worldwide.
Community Philanthropy Partnerships and Networking Advocacy
Author: KCDF
Publisher/source/organization: Kenya Community Development Foundation (KCDF)
Place and year of issue: Nairobi, Kenya
Type: Website
Country/region: Africa Kenya