
Module 8 Gender

This course is about power relations, diversity and gender. Gender roles are often entangled with power, but there are many more power relations. We are going to explore how these power relations, diversity and gender roles influence your daily life, work and lobby practices.


This course is useful for you if you want:

  • to understand and negotiate gender roles and power relations.
  • to understand the role of diversity and to increase a respectful and inclusive attitude.

Wat kan je verwachten?

After this course:

  • You will be able to reflect on power relations, gender roles and your own position in this.
  • You will recognise the importance of diversity and be able to respectfully work with people from a diverse background.

Kennis en kunde


  • You will recognize how power relations are shaped in lobby contexts
  • You will know how gender roles and stereotypes influence daily life and lobby contexts
  • You will develop the skills to negotiate power relations in your work and lobby activities
  • You will develop the skills to respectfully work with others from different backgrounds in different (political) contexts

Wat je krijgt


  • The Game of Life tool to understand how power dynamics influence your chances in life
  • Reviewing tool to assess the gender neutrality of your lobby plan 
  • After finishing this module and passing a brief exam, you can download an accredited NCOI University of Applied Science (Netherlands) certificate for free. 

This e-course has been developed and funded with support of Edukans. Worldwide, Edukans creates opportunities enabling children and young people to shape their futures with confidence. 

Tijdsduur: 2 hours



Creative Commons License
Change the Game Academy e-learning cursussen Lokale Fondsenwerving, Mobilising Support, toolkits, voorbeelden en informatie van Wilde Ganzen , is geregistreerd onder Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.