
Scoops Yanyema's remarkable mindset shift: Local Fundraising takes center stage

This inspiring story from Burkina Faso serves as a testimony to the power of community-driven initiatives and showcases how a change in mindset can empower organisations to overcome obstacles and make a lasting impact.

In a remarkable display of knowledge and skills, Scoops Yanyema has triumphed in Burkina Faso's fundraising scene. Through their adoption of local fundraising strategies, they organised an immensely successful fair, focused on small livestock, raising an impressive sum of over 3 million CFA francs (equivalent to approximately 5,000 USD). This achievement serves as a pivotal moment, underscoring the organisation's shift in mindset and their commitment to self-sufficiency.

Led by Lazare Sina and his dedicated team, Scoops Yanyema embraced the training provided by Change the Game Academy (CtGA). The course not only equipped them with essential knowledge but also instilled a transformative perspective on local fundraising, empowering the organisation to overcome financial obstacles.

Lazare Sina reflects on their journey, stating, "The benefits of the training have been enormous, yielding impactful results and resources. Previously, requesting funds from partners was a daunting task, but the program unlocked a world of opportunities for local fundraising." This shift in approach has unlocked doors previously closed, enabling Scoops Yanyema to carry out activities that were once hindered.

The resounding success of Scoops Yanyema's fair, with its emphasis on small livestock, exemplifies their confidence and abilities. Surpassing all expectations, the fair not only generated substantial funds but also showcased the organisation's proactive and self-sufficient ethos.

Scoops Yanyema's inspiring story stands as an inspiration for grassroots organisations worldwide. By embracing local fundraising strategies, they have not only achieved financial success but also exemplified the power of community-driven initiatives. To delve deeper into Scoops Yanyema's transformative journey and the profound impact of the Change the Game Academy program, we invite you to read the full news article here.