Feedback Process

Stap 1: Understanding feedback systems in your organisation

The step-by-step guide can be printed at the last page of 'Know How'. To get there you need to go through each step by clicking the blue arrow on the righthand side of the menu.

  • Take time to map out the current methods of giving and receiving feedback in your organisation
  • Who gives you feedback now? Is it a formal or informal system?
  • What are the activities, work areas and skills you need to receive feedback on? Some of these things will be operational, but others will be more personal; your skill sets
  • On what timeline do you want to receive feedback in these areas?
  • Make a list of things you feel there is a feedback deficit, a list of places you want to ensure to gather feedback.

Feedback systems are very important for a well functioning NGO. Feedback makes employees feel valued. Watch this short video on the importance of feedback for emand tips to give constructive feedback for managers:
