
Exemplo de arrecadação local:
Reading group conference

Características principais

Método de captação de recursos
Mobilização de recursos com grandes doadores


Resultado líquido final (€)


Tempo investido
3 months

Children working on a creative assignment
All children love storytelling
Activities for children in the library
OrganizaçãoRoda de Leitura Poesis Grupo Cultural do Alto Jose do Pinho
AdequaçãoLigeiramente experiente
Necessidade de arrecadaçãoThe encouragement of reading groups to work with children and youth as a way to protect them and support their learning process. The organisation of 6 Reading Group conferences in Great Recife.
Período de açãoSeptember 2013
Doações em espécie arrecadadasn.a.
Tipos de doaçõesFinancial contributions
Tipos de doadoresSmall grant-giving funds


The Roda de Leitura (Reading Circle) is an initiative of Poesis - Grupo Cultural (Cultural Group) do Alto Jose do Pinho. It works with children from the age of 5 to stimulate their civil and cultural development, through reading, poetry and creative activities. The Roda de Leitura decided to raise funds for their work with children and youth, and for 6 conferences of Reading Groups in Great Recife, to exchange experiences. Two groups of two people wrote grant proposals and presented these to two local grant-giving organisations. They both contributed.

Dicas e lições aprendidas

It is advisable not to operate single-handed. When the entire team is involved in fundraising activities, chances of approval increase.
When writing a project proposal planning is everything.

Revisão de Wilde Ganzen Foundation

This group has experienced that working together can really improve the quality of your proposal. Another strong point is that they immediately realised the necessity of a follow-up and took measures to organise this. If you keep your donors informed they are more likely to contribute again.


To raise funds for reading and creative activities with children and youth.
To raise funds for the organisation of 6 conferences of Reading Groups in Great Recife.

Doadores orientados
Local grant-giving organisations.


Custo/benefícioMoneda nacional (R$)Euro
Total arrecadado7,6292,525
(-) Total investido00
Total líquido arrecadado7,6292,525

Descrição dos trabalhos preparatórios
Meetings with the team to define the scope of the projects and the organisations to which the projects would be submitted.
Submission of projects.
Lobbying with organisation members.
And after the final results are released: accountability.

Descrição da implementação
Groups of two were formed. Each group was responsible to write a project proposal to one organisation and take care of the whole process of accountability

Seguimento: Apreciação e reconhecimento do doador
The groups who were responsible for the grant proposals were also responsible for the follow-up.

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