
Exemplo de arrecadação local:
Classical concert

Características principais

Método de captação de recursos
Concerto beneficente, Financiamento coletivo

Rural e Urbano

Resultado líquido final (€)


Tempo investido
25 days

The first class; their young conductor was formed in the same project
The orchestra
OrganizaçãoAssociação dos Moradores do Alto da Colina
AdequaçãoNível iniciante
Necessidade de arrecadaçãoWorkshops of popular music and non-formal education for children and adolescents
Período de açãoMay-June 2013
Doações em espécie arrecadadas
Tipos de doaçõesConcert tickets, individual donations
Tipos de doadoresThe community in general and local businesses


The Projeto Santo Antonio de Musica provides music lessons to children and adolescents. The children start in classes and practice at home. When, after some time, they are proficient, they are invited to join the orchestra. The orchestra plays an important part in the fundraising actions, which are held to continue the musical education of interested children and youth from the town and its surroundings. The concert in this example was held in 2013, but has been repeated since.
After the concert it was clear the community was more involved and committed to continue helping the orchestra. Over 50 individual donations were received.
The crowdfunding action by the young musicians themselves raised an amount of no less than EUR 355,00.

Dicas e lições aprendidas

Planning is particularly important. It includes defining strategies, targets, goals and responsibles. If possible, draw a table in which all these aspects can be seen – and hang it somewhere where everybody will be continuously checking. Nothing is worse than a non-aligned team.
Innovation and creativity are keys factors for success. If something extraordinary is done, people will tend to be more interested. Think out of the box.
Partnership is crucial for a successful fundraising action. It may seem difficult to maintain a partnership, but in the long term it is worth the effort.

Revisão de Wilde Ganzen Foundation

This is another example of a music school, raising funds by organising classical concerts. In this case the young musicians themselves got involved and raised an important contribution through crowdfunding. A benefit concert also offers an excellent chance of involving the community and seek their commitment.


1. To raise enough funds to carry out workshops of popular music for children and adolescents.
2. To raise funds in order to provide non-formal education to children and adolescents.

Doadores orientados
The community in general and local businesses.


Custo/benefícioMoneda nacional (R$)Euro
Total arrecadado4,6581,615
(-) Total investido00
Total líquido arrecadado4,6581,615

Detalhes contábeis
Raised (in Euros):
Crowdfunding action      355,00
Concert                       1.260,00

Comentários dos resultados
There were costs for communication materials, e.g. leaflet, banners and ads on radio. Most of them were for free and the remaining costs were covered by donations from volunteers.

Descrição dos trabalhos preparatórios
1. A brainstorm to decide the best strategy to raise the necessary funds, including pros and cons of each one.
2. Establishing a working group to take care of all the logictics, another one for advertising and a group involving the conductor to support the musicians.
3. The young people themselves were responsible for advertising the crowdfunding action and find new donors.

Descrição da implementação
The idea behind the concert was that people could benefit by watching a good concert and collaborate with the project.
The price of a ticket was R$ 5.00.

Planos para repetir a ação
The concert is repeated at regular intervals.

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