
Central Filing System


A filing system is an organised system to store files on a computer or in an office, which allows easy access to the files and increases the efficiency of an organisation.


This toolkit is useful when:

  • the staff of an organisation is filing documents in their private folders, desktops etc.
  • an organisation has no shared and organised system of record keeping and filing
  • an organisation has a filing system in place but it does not meet the current needs of the organisation

O que você pode esperar

In eight steps this toolkit guides you to create a filing system for your organisation that allows people to access the documents they need easily. You’ll find a step-by-step guide, tools, examples and other resources for creating a filing system.

O que você terá

Know how:

  • an overview of how to create a filing system step-by-step
  • an instructions brief on a filing system
  • a checklist listing steps and a set of typical folders for a filing system

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