
Competency Mapping


Competency mapping is a process of identifying the key competencies required for an organisation and/or a particular role. It consists of breaking a given role into its constituent tasks or activities and identifying the competencies (measurable or observable skills, knowledge and behaviours) needed to perform the tasks successfully.


This toolkit is useful when:

  • You are recruiting new staff
  • You are doing a performance appraisal of existing staff

O que você pode esperar

In 7 steps, you will learn what competency mapping is all about, how to set it up and what you can do with it.

O que você terá

Know How:

  • A step by step overview Competency Mapping
  • ATMA – Annual Performance Appraisal Form - Staff 
  • Template – Functions Outline
  • Template – Performance Appraisal Form
  • Template - RASCI

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Change the Game Academy cursos on-line Mobilização de recursos locais, Incidência política, ferramentas de apoio, exemplos e centro de recursos criado por Wilde Ganzen Foundation está licenciado sob uma Atribuição-NãoComercial-CompartilhaIgual 4.0 Internacional.