

Mobilising Support Advocacy

Strengthening Advocacy, Communication and Brand Recognition through Social Media in West Africa


Social media provide the public with a space to promote discourse on issues facing society.
Social media provides the voiceless with a voice, and greatly influences the power dynamics within society. The ease and accessibility of these tools ensures that those who would previously have little opportunity to convene and discuss their views now find it possible to do so.
It is within the framework of these exciting developments that the West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI) organised an experts conference for established social media activists from Africa, the United States of America and Europe to deliberate on the opportunities and prospects for the
utilization of social media for brand recognition, communication and advocacy purposes.
This meeting brought together 31 social media experts and civil society practitioners to:
• Deliberate on the best ways of using social media as a tool for advocacy, communication and brand recognition.
Other issues discussed included:
• The value of social media tools and techniques,
• How to increase the knowledge and skills of CSOs on the use of social media, and
• Strategies through which CSOs can leverage on this platform to promote a different development agenda.

WACSI is a member of the Change the Game Academy Alliance.


This is a report of a meeting in November 2012. Since then, the use and impact of social media have grown exponentially. Nevertheless, the report provides in a very accessible way useful tips on how to use social media for the benefit of CSOs in Africa and elsewhere. Please take into account that some of the information provided in this publication may be out of date.


Social Media

Author: N.a.

Publisher/source/organization: WACSI

Place and year of issue: Accra, Ghana 2012

Type: Report of meeting or event

Country/region: Africa

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