
Ejemplo de recaudación de fondos local:
Reconstruction of Kisozi Health Center

Características principales

Método de recaudación de fondos
Sensibilización, Movilización de recursos con instituciones religiosas, Movilización de recursos con donantes principales


Resultado financiero neto (€)


Inversión de tiempo
± 120 days

Storm damage is extensive
An example of pledge raising during an event
Reconstruction has started
OrganizaciónEgoli Africa
Sitio webhttp://www.egoliafrica.org/
IdoneidadPoco experimentada
Fondos necesarios paraReconstruction and Rehabilitation of Kisozi Health Center
Período de acción10 October 2021 - 10 January 2022
Donaciones en especie recaudadasYes
Tipos de donacionesCash, in-kind (building materials) and service (labour)
Tipos de donantesIndividuals and local business people


On August 25, 2021, a heavy rain storm destroyed the whole roof of Kisozi Health Center, resulting in major damage to the structure and the interior. A committee was set up to raise funds for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the centre. A variety of fundraising activities and good publicity led to cash donations, at least 10 in-kind contributions and 5 volunteers offering their services. Reconstruction is on its way, while fundraising continues.

Consejos y lecciones aprendidas

1. Organising a local fundraising campaign is hectic but interesting and facilitates engagement with the community.
2. It is difficult to organise fundraising amongst local people in a rural setting, due the mindset of always being on the receiving end. But through local networking and sensitisation through local councils and councillors to create buy in, we managed to mobilise people to give.
3. When you identify a project that concerns all people, regardless of age, religion or tribe, like a health project, people will be willing to contribute.
4. There is potential for fundraising in the communities we serve, especially among the influential and business people.

Evaluación de Wilde Ganzen Foundation

Egoli Africa realised that it would be difficult to raise funds among people who have always been on the receiving end. They decided they needed publicity and managed to have their message on community audio towers and vehicles mounted with loudspeakers. Then they approached influential and business people, asking for their support and held a meeting with local leaders. This created an atmosphere in which everybody wanted to participate and people were actually beginning to donate and contribute. According to Egoli Africa, the result is 'Unity and togetherness among community members' and a willingness to work together to bring this project to a successful conclusion.


Breve descripción de la organización para que los fondos fueron recaudados
Egoli Africa is a CBO founded in 2016. It is located in Bukyatifu village, Namaganda parish in Kisozi sub county, Kamuli district. The CBO works around the thematic areas of education, health, agriculture and women empowerment.

Breve descripción del proyecto o programa para el cual los fondos fueron recaudados
Kisozi Health Center is a community health centre which was established by an individual and later handed over to the community of Kisozi. This health centre serves the whole subcounty of Kisozi. The services offered at the health centre include immunisation, family planning, maternal health care and other related health activities. The health centre was already in bad condition when strong winds blew off the roof and broke down the building.

Resumen de la acción de recaudación de fondos
Fundraising strategies included church collections and use of motorcycles for charity community rides to collect money.
There was an advertisement on community audio towers and vehicles mounted with loudspeakers also promoted the cause.
We identified people who were influential and rich like local politicians and shop owners, having capacity to give. These people would be individually approached. 
And last, but not least, we organised an end of year fundraising event.

1. To get funds to reconstruct the health centre.
2. To revamp the maternity ward.
3. To replace equipment at the health centre, for example labotatory fridges.

Donantes meta
Local politicians, shop owners, community well-wishers


Costo/beneficioMoneda nacional (UGX)Euro
Cantidad total recaudada112,995
(-) Cantidad total invertida00
Cantidad neta112,995

Comentarios del resultado
Community mobilisation
Unity and togetherness among community members
Experience in fundraising

Descripción del trabajo preparatorio
1. A fundraising committee was set up to discuss what strategies would yield results.
2. A community meeting with local leaders was held to create 'buy in'.
3. Developing bills of quantities for the construction.
4. Drawing up a budget.

Descripción de la implementación
When we received funds from the different collections, we held a meeting with the fundraising committee to go through the budget and identify items that were of priority. The committee also carried out a binding session to select the person to construct the health centre. The committee identified 3 people to undertake construction, the lowest bidder was picked, construction is at wall plate. Then the next phase will involve setting up the maternity ward.

Seguimiento: Agradecimiento y reconocimiento de los donantes
We used the local community audio towers radios to send out customised messages appreciating donors and sharing progress.

Planes para repetir la acción
Yes, because the funds collected were not enough to fully cater for the refurbishment of the Health Center. We are yet to decide on the strategy with the fundraising committee.

Scripts and tools used
KISOZI HEALTH CENTRE thank you letter
Invitation to fundraising event

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