
Laws and regulations in India

In order to operate as an organization in India it is important to follow some rules and regulations. On this page you can download useful information on four different subjects:

  1. Rules and regulations to operate a CBO/NGO

    This chapter explains the different forms of registration that exist in India, the bodies that govern it and the rules that you need to know. The chapter ends with a list of useful sources of information.

  2. Education

    This chapter explains you how to register as a school, a private university or a private college. It narrates about the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act or Right to Education Act (RTE) and it concludes with some key institutions and organisations and useful sources of information.

  3. Healthcare

    This chapter describes the structure of the healthcare system in India and some government health programs and schemes. Here you can find the selection process and criteria to participate in government health programs in India. The chapter healthcare concludes with some key institutions and organisations and useful sources of information.

  4. Water and Sanitation

    This chapter explains some relevant government schemes and programs in the water and sanitation sector in India. The process and criteria for involvement of NGOs/CBOs in government programs are described, and the chapter concludes with some key institutions and organisations and useful sources of information.

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