
New Module: Advanced Fundraising Techniques



Many civil society organisations (CSOs) rely heavily on donor funding. This can make your organisation vulnerable, because the donor might decide to stop your funding at any time. When CSOs (Civil Society Organisations) increase and diversify their income by implementing alternative funding models, they become stronger, more autonomous and less dependent on foreign funding.

Our new module takes 2 hours and it describes 11 alternative, innovative funding models, indicate for which organisations they are suitable, and offer next steps to access the funding. You will learn about alternative funding models and see examples of how they work, after which you can decide if they are suitable for your organisation.

Learn about consultancy services, asset building, membership fees, social enterprise, microcredit, subsidiary profit-making enterprises, incubation, private sector funding, social and green bonds, crowdfunding and fiscal sponsorship. To make this task easier, we offer a lot of tools, such as videos, instructions, quizzes and next steps to access these alternative funding models.

This module was adapted from the Alternative Funding Models Course, developed by our Ghanaian partner West Africa Civil Organisation (WACSI).

Ready to increase and diversify your organisation’s income and make your CSO stronger and more autonomus?

Access this free module and start today!